Customer Needs
Our customers are business women and business men who want to excel in relation to
- Business factors and
- Technical factors and
- Human factors
Our customers realize
- that only few organisations or teams work well naturally in day to day work,
- that the optimal interdisciplinary working together of business and technical and human factors has to be actively managed,
- that many teams are constrained by misunderstandings and differing views,
- that conflicts arise continually,
- that problems get worse over time if nothing is done,
- that conflicts of interests are part of daily life,
- that one-sided solutions from a business or a technical perspective are often short sighted, especially if the people involved are not all bought in
and that they want to utilize the potential in their business which, after all, they are paying for!
TriPol customers want to avoid or actively solve e.g. the following situations
Business factors:
- Duplication, unclear objectives
- Unnecessary work on the wrong things
- Friction, poor coordination
= unnecessary costs
Technical factors:
- Technical misunderstandings
- Unused skills and synergies
- Idle potential
= unnecessary costs
Human factors:
- Unsolved conflict, friction
- Frustration/demotivation, game playing
- Ineffective decisions
- Addicted to negative thinking
= unnecessary costs
Which three key competencies do YOU have to tackle to manage successfully in all dimensions?
- Systematic approach to identifying the major focus points (which „three” focus points)
- Systematic approach to solving problems and/or conflicts
- Systematic approach to implementing it in daily life
= Core competence of TriPol