The success of an organisation results from the product of business, technical and human competence. A simple formula with a huge impact.
Most companies and public offices know very well, which business competencies they need. They give them appropriate priority.
The same applies to requirements for technical competencies: most companies or organisations know very well what they need. A lot of energy is focussed on ensuring that these requirements are fully met at all times.
And without people – everything would work according to plan! Most often, the “human factor” is not taken seriously enough. People leave it until things have got out of hand and immediate action is needed to save the situation because conflicts have escalated, teamwork has ceased to function or deadlines or quality requirements can’t be met. The importance of human competence is mostly underestimated or ignored.
If human competence is not explicitly included in a project or in the objectives of an organisation, then the attainment of the objectives is seriously at risk, based on the formula «Success = B x T x H»
Success results from the interdependency of business, technical and human competency.

Three central questions arise:
- How do you recognize that things are slowly but surely going out of sync and require your attention, before it is too late?
- How can you ensure that conflicts really come to the surface, and are not being avoided, thereby risking success?
- How can you ensure that teamwork develops well and can be sustained at that level over a longer period of time (for business, technical and human aspects)?
The TriPol-Method was developed in the field, based on an in-depth analysis across a wide range of successful and unsuccessful teams, projects and organisations. The TriPol-Method encompasses all the necessary steps for the professional handling of business, technical and human factors for a reasonable, economical investment and effort.
We are delighted to present the method in detail to your organisation.